Nov 12, 2009

I splurged on this guy so I could have a turkey with some substance to him. 

It seems a lot of people are putting their daily Facebook status as the Thankful challenge.  I think it is a secret in life and in God's plan.  If we can learn to be thankful in all things then we tap into what it is really all about.

If I catch myself whining or wanting to whimper about anything lately I remember what one of the baseball coaches said to my youngest:  Is the whawhawha-mbulance coming or something??  That'll shut you up real fast, huh?  Blessings to you, xox!


  1. I agree. I have met so many nice people while blogging and realized that I have a lot to be thankful for because I know some people who have terrible struggles with their health. It is very sad and therefore I remember to be thankful every day for my health - even if it's not perfect, it's not that bad.

    God bless you!

  2. I love, love, love your turkey! He rocks. Love the fall look of your blog, too. :)

  3. Oh sweetie...
    You are just the cutest ever. Love it. I am also loving this turkey. I would have splurged on him too. Isn't he just the cutest little thing you ever saw? I love his little turkey legs, and I usually do not like the turkey legs. (Ha! Ha!) Thanks for sharing today. You made my morning.

    Please stop by and say hi. I would love to share my story with you this morning.

    Country hugs, Sherry

  4. Cool turkey! Like the hymn goes, count your blessings name them one by one

  5. I love your turkey! He is so cute! I agree with you about being thankful...even for the little things!

  6. Your turkey is terrific! Great for fall. We used to use the "wambulance" thing on our son and his cousins when young too! Blessings!

  7. What an adorable turkey! Many blessings to you :)


Be blessed! You make my life more full of JOY!