Apr 18, 2010

Bloomin and the winner is..

Girls...don't you just want to run out into the ditches and beside the road and capture enough wild flowers pictures to fill a calendar of months?!  I need to do it over by my oldest's school.  God is so good he puts beauty by the roadside right near the cup someone threw out their window. :0)

We got some bloomin' going on at the cottage.

Still need to do the back straining job of finishing the weeding and mulching.

Well, we stuck 34 beautiful names in a pot and ...
The Winner of the tassel that was worth the hassel...

for Monday April 19th:
The shuttle is scheduled to enter Earth's atmosphere over the central Pacific Ocean at 8:17 a.m. EDT and should be visible over Montana about a half hour before landing.
xox, Denise Marie


  1. weeee doggie! I,too am excited about our bottle swap! Congrats on 100 followers1 ...I just became 104...

  2. Yes! Woo Hoo! I haven't won anything in a while. This is will be my first tassel! That's right, been blogging almost a year and don't, I mean didn't, have a tassel yet! Thank you so much for the great give-away. I'll be having one in my for my 1st year blogging. I'll get an email to you.

  3. Beautiful flowers - yes, thank God!

    Congratulations to the winner :-)

  4. Denise you have some beautiful bloomin going on at your place!! Congrats to the winner of the tassel. I actually have that same tassel and I can vouch that it is to die for!!

  5. Congrats to the lucky winner....
    Beautiful bloomin going on at your cottage....
    Don't you just love spring time when everything
    comes to life again...
    Have a Blessed day...
    Sweet Blessings...

  6. Congrats to Dawn, she's a sweetie gal.

    Pretty flowers!

  7. Glad you found my Texas-Blogging Gals! Will get you on the next updated list.

    Enjoyed a first visit. Following.....

    Come see me at my personal blog, too, real soon.


Be blessed! You make my life more full of JOY!