Sep 28, 2010


Trying to post??

Mama Bear told me all about it but...alas, when I go to get a pic for my post I have a big ol X where I'm suppose to be able to chose from my desktop or files???

Can anything just be simple....easy breezy??



  1. Oh Denise Marie- I'm so sorry. Do you use Picasa? I can post pictures directly from my blog if I need to. Maybe your photo program has that capability.

  2. I am hasving problems as well.
    A new format comes up. When I go to select pictures the round thing spins ans spins and never quits. On the left there is three things to choose from. Iwas able to download from Picaso after a couple of hours. But I am also having problems getting my pictures downloaded into Picaso. Good luck. Let me know what works for you.

  3. Don't choose from the side where it gives you choices like Picasco. Go to the top and click on CHOOSE FILES and it will go to your stored pictures on your computer...only took me clicking on every thing in sight to find's an OK change but comes to us out of the blue with no directions...Crazy!

  4. I don't know why you're having problems...I went to Blogger Buzz to see if they had a post about the changes...You can ask a question there, I think.
    Mama Bear


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